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Tips to Relieve Chirping and Shortness of Breath in Children

Hearing the sound of bad breath on Little One often makes parents feel worried. Usually the sound of this breath will be more clearly heard when the Little One is sleeping. Is this dangerous and can make it short of breath? Then how to overcome it? Generally, the breath sounds in Little is caused by the accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract. This condition is indeed common, especially in newborns, because the respiratory tract is not fully developed. But as he gets older, the complaint will disappear by itself. In addition, breathing sounds can also indicate a disturbance in the Little Child's respiratory tract. The reason could be due to increased production of mucus in the airways or narrowing of the airways due to inflammation.

Type of breath sounds in your baby

In children, there are several types of breath sounds that parents can recognize from the sounds made, namely:
  • Whistle sound

  • The sound of breath like this is caused by a mild blockage in the Little respiratory tract or due to narrowing of the airways.
  • Shrill and high-pitched voice

  • Shrill breath sounds can occur due to constriction in the upper respiratory tract, especially in infants and young children. This condition will usually disappear by itself as a child ages. But be careful, the high-pitched breath can also indicate an asthma attack.
  • Hoarseness when coughing and crying

  • This breath sounds due to irritation, inflammation, or blockage of mucus in the voice box (larynx) in the throat.
The three types of breath sounds above are often found in children, and generally can disappear on their own. But if the complaint of breathing sounds accompanied by shortness of breath and rapid, fever, or cough constantly, your child may experience pneumonia, asthma, or blockage of the airways by foreign objects. These conditions often progress to shortness of breath.

Recognizing the symptoms of shortness of breath in children

Shortness of breath in children needs to be recognized as soon as possible. There are three important things that you must pay attention to to recognize shortness of breath in your child, namely the frequency of breathing, physical appearance, and skin color. In the early stages, your little one who experiences shortness of breath will show symptoms in the form of increased frequency of breathing (breathing becomes fast), restlessness, fussing, crying constantly, do not want to eat and drink, difficulty sleeping soundly, and the skin on his palms looks pale. If the cause is an infection, he can experience a high fever. While in more severe conditions, the little one who suffers from shortness of breath can breathe more than 60 times in 1 minute, the child's nostril is widened, and the muscles in his chest and neck tighten or look interested when breathing. If left unchecked, Little's lips can look bluish, look increasingly weak, and finally stop breathing. That is why, your child who experience shortness of breath must immediately be taken to the doctor so that can be given immediate help.

Initial Handling of Breath and Shortness of Breath in Your Little One

If your child experiences breathing sounds and shortness of breath, you must remain calm and not panic. Before taking him to the doctor, do the following initial treatment to help relieve his breathing:

1. Guide your child to breathe with his mouth

When your baby is big enough, you can ask him to breathe through his mouth. If necessary, give an example. This breathing technique can ease the shortness of breath experienced by the Little One, as well as helping him to breathe deeper and more effectively.

2. Position Your Child sitting with a slight bend

This position can help your child breathe more easily, while also making his body more relaxed.

3. Loosen clothes

Loosen your baby's clothes by unbuttoning his shirt, especially on the neck and chest. If necessary, replace with clothes that are more loose. In addition, it is important to keep your child from cigarette smoke so that the tightness does not get worse.

4. Apply balm

In addition to the above methods, you can also apply balm to your baby's chest, back, and neck to relieve his breathing and make him more comfortable. For babies and children, you should choose balm with natural ingredients. One of them is a balm with basic ingredients of eucalyptus and chamomile extract. This material is believed to help alleviate Little Child's breathing problems caused by nasal congestion. Breathing sounds and shortness of breath in your child should not be considered trivial. Mothers need to know the causes and symptoms to recognize dangerous conditions. If your child is experiencing shortness of breath, do the initial handling steps above and consult a doctor immediately to get the right treatment.


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